All about ear infections
One of the most annoying infections is ear infection, especially when it comes to children’s ear infection.
it creates pain, discomfort and hearing disruption.
When kids get ear infections you are running to the doctor and usually expecting antibiotic treatment, is that really necessary?
And when ear tubes surgery is necessary? keep reading on this and more.
External otitis infection, otitis media infection and otitis interna
Ear infections can be three different infections – external otitis infection, otitis media infection and otitis interna.
When we deal with ear infections, especially among children, it’s usually middle ear infection (otits media).
This is an inflammation that covers the entire area between the eardrum to the auditory bones.
This type of ear infection is very common among children and causes them earaches and an unpleasant feeling.
An ear infection can occur in one or both ears.
Identifying Ear Infections
Ear infections are usually very easy to identify due to the pain in the ear.
Middle ear infection is accompanied by ear pain and fever, is also likely hearing disorders and ataxia will occur.
When it appears in infant who still didn’t gain the ability to speak, be alert if they show signs of discomfort in the ear, such as itching while crying.
Ear infections are accompanied by general symptoms of disease as: fever, decrease in appetite, a discharge and ear and even diarrhea and vomiting may be the result of an ear infection.
Types of middle ear infection
Actually there are two types of middle ear infection, each one has a different origin.
The first type includes accumulation of fluids inside the ear, on most cases a result of a virus infection, but certainly allergic response is possible.
When this happen, medication is needed and even draining of the fluids on some cases.
The other type of middle ear infection is bacterial infection, can be a result of respiratory system infection.
Those infections effects the eardrum which becomes reddish and the hearing is effected as well.
There are a few types of bacterias which can provoke that.
Ear infection treatment
Ear infection can happen to anybody but more common among children;
It seems there is a genetic tendency for ear infections, on those cases you can see a family tendency to get sick with ear infections.
Asthmatic children, or children who suffers from atopic inflammation and stuffy nose, are also in higher risk and more likely to catch ear infections.
When we or our children suffers from ear infection, we usually expect the doctor to prescribe us antibiotic treatment.
But not always is needed and if possible without antibiotic is even better.
Our body has a great ability to heal itself and fight bacterias and viruses;
You can heal from ear infection without antibiotics.
Today most doctors recommend a supportive treatment to relieve the inflammation symptoms while the body fights the problem.
The supportive treatments are usually pain killers which ease the suffering.
You might try to relieve the pain naturally by warming the area;
You can use hot thermic gel, the warmth will ease the pain.
As well lie down with your head elevated helps reduce the fluids pressure on the eardrum.
Interesting treatment is with Hopi candles which are made of waxed cloth and aromatic oils.
You should light up one side of the candle and insert the other side into your ears.
The candles helps to clean the ear from the accumulated secretions and relieves the pain.
Note that this treatment is not for people with ear tubes surgery.
Home made ear drops can also be used; you can produce them by mixing a spoon of olive oil with 2-3 drops of lavender oil.
Worm the oil and let it cool down, afterwards put 2 drops into your ear.
You can repeat that 3 times a day.
What is ear tubes surgery?
There are many cases of infants suffering from accumulation of fluids on their middle ear and repeated ear infections.
Those inflammations damage the hearing ability, an important thing on infant age – the time when hearing and speaking should develop.
When suffering from reoccurring problem, doctors would recommend ear tubes surgery.
ear tubes are small plastic tubes, insert into the middle ear and helps to drain fluids and reduce the occurrence of ear infections.
Ear tubes surgery is not considered a complicated medical procedure and actually is done pretty fast, but it requires general anesthesia;
From this reason many parents are not eager to to preform the surgery and seek other solutions, but on some cases the procedure is necessary.